Bonn, Germany. We are happy to share with the Big Data Framework community that the Enterprise Big Data Professional guide – which contains the content that is tested in the Enterprise Big Data Professional certification – is now available in Chinese.

The translation has been made by Chieh Wu from our accredited training partner Song Hao Asset Management. The translation into intended to help everyone in Taiwan as an additional reference guide next to the English version of the Enterprise Big Data Professional guide.

The Chinese translation of the EBDP Guide can be requested through this link.



The Enterprise Big Data Professional qualification is aimed at individuals who are involved in enterprise Big Data analysis, who require a working knowledge of the principles behind Big Data, who need to know the terminology used and some of the theory behind the practice. The Enterprise Big Data Professional training and corresponding certification is the first level of the Big Data Framework course curriculum and certification program, which is globally accredited by APMG-International. The curriculum provides a vendor-neutral and objective understanding of Big Data architectures, technologies and processes.

The Enterprise Big Data Professional (EBDP®) course provides an introduction to the core concepts and techniques of Big Data, and provides an overview of the capabilities that organizations need to develop to move towards data-driven decision making. By embedding Big Data capabilities, organizations can make faster and more reliable decisions and bring products faster to market.


2019 年 4 月 1 日,我們正式的將 Enterprise Big Data Professional 的手冊,翻譯成為繁體中文。這個動作,僅僅是希望幫助在台灣的大家,可以成為閱讀英文版手冊時的參考。同時,請您要留意,這一份繁體中文的手冊,我們並不保證。因為如果要參加認證考試,英文或是簡體中文才是 APMG 正式課本與考卷的版本。

請您回答以下的問題,將會收到我們寄給您的繁體中文的手冊。謝謝您。( 手工回覆,可能時間稍有延後,請見諒 )



企業大數據專業人士 (Enterprise Big Data Professional) 的國際認證,證明了候選人已經擁有了對大數據必須要有的基本知識,並且能夠理解 企業大數據框架 的結構和核心知識。企業大數據專業人士國際認證是大數據框架認證計畫的第一級,涵蓋與大數據相關的基礎知識和基本概念。
